Monday, February 23, 2009

How to Find the Balance of Your Tennis Racquet

Just a tid bit of info.

How to Find a Tennis Grip (in High Definition)

Back to basics............

Tennis Lesson: Forehand: Timing your swing

Review this video a few times.

Tennis Lessons - Wrist at Contact on Your Forehand

More very important points!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tennis Footwork Back Foot Up

More excellent points. The "back foot up" is an important concept. This helps facilitate the recovery and readiness for your next shot.

Tennis Footwork Move to the Ball

Very important points here. Check out the very good form displayed here. Notice the "knee bend", notice the "rehearsed" steps and footwork.
Even when you don't have a partner to practice with, you can practice this footwork when hitting against the wall and or on the court when practicing "shadow tennis".

Tennis Footwork First Step Movement


Tennis Footwork Split Step

Very important points on the split step. Some people have a tendency to get too much "air" on the split step, thus messing up your balance. I will provide some good footwork drills prety soon. Another very important point I forgot to highlight is you should be in the ready position when you split step, this keeps the body aligned properly so you can execute your movement and stroke.

Introduction to Tennis Footwork

Here the introduction.

Tennis Footwork Ready Position

Some nice ready stance/footwork basics from this series. Please note the ideal height of the "athletic ready stance". Correct and effective footwork, is paramount to improving your level of play!

Handling High Balls on your Tennis Forehand

Another excellent analysis.

Topspin Tennis Forehand Progressions: Step 5: Full Motion

This is the final video for this series. Please note how he said that you basically have to crawl before you walk. Have patience and groove this stroke, then add a little more of your own "style" to it. When you are starting, less is better!

Topspin Tennis Forehand Progressions: Step 4: Loop

This is a nice progression to a "basic loop". Not how he said to "trace a "C".

Topspin Tennis Forehand Progressions: Step 3: Pivot and Rack

Here's step 3. Please note the emphasis on the "unit turn"/pivot.

Topspin Tennis Forehand Progressions: Step 2: Racket Back

This guy really knows his stuff. It's also great that he's a fellow lefty!

Topspin Tennis Forehand Progressions: Step 1: Contact

Here's step one. Have a racket in your hand, watch the entire clip first, then watch it again and pause the video and follow each step.

Introduction to the Topspin Tennis Forehand Progressions

Now back to the forehand. This is more of a "modern" approach compared to the last forehand series I posted. You will see that there are similarities and some subtle differences. For more excellent instruction go to:

Tennis Kick Serve Progressions: Step 4: Full Motion

This series is an EXCELLENT learning tool. Practice this everyday in that nice easy and smooth motion and you will develop a very nice kick serve as well as a very nice grooved serving motion.

Tennis Kick Serve Progressions: Step 3: Move Back

Step 3.

Tennis Kick Serve Progressions: Step 2: Follow Through


Tennis Kick Serve Progressions: Step 1: Swing and Pronate

Nice explanation, follow the steps.

Tennis Kick Serve - Kick Serve Step 1 - Toss

Excellent video. Check out the guy's website. Highly recommended!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Windshield Wiper Forehand

Nice Video on the Windshield Wiper forehand swing path. He's a lefty too!

Tennis Forehand Groundstroke - Spacing

Another good tip.


More from this crazy dude. I mean "crazy" in a good way.

Crazy & Very Effective Tennis Wall Workout

This guy is very talented. I will call this an "advanced wall workout" I'd start with the other one I posted first and evolve to this. Use both concepts for a great workout when you don't have a training partner to play with. This will definitely increase your level of play!

Tennis Backhand Topspin Drive - Taking It On The Rise

Another excellent tip. I hope you work on these concepts and your game improves.

Tennis Backhand Slice Tip

Some excellent information here.

Tennis Forehand Drive - High Contact Point

A nice analysis, again from the Eastern Forehand/stroke model.

Tennis High Bouncing Forehand Groundstroke

Excellent advice on this tennis tip!

Tennis Forehand Groundstroke - The Swing Tempo

Another very nice tip. This is off of the Eastern forehand model.

Tennis Forehand Topspin Eastern Grip

This is a pretty good instructional video for an Eastern Forehand stroke and grip.

Tennis Drill: Return of Serves on the WALL

Nice concept and idea. Of course as the player warms up more, the intensity can be increased.

Ultimate Wall Workout

An excellent workout, do this a few times per week and watch your level improve.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Andy Roddick Serve Slow Motion

Here's arguably one of the best servers in Tennis in slow motion. I will be adding more notable serves in slow motion as well.