I've been reading a lot about Oscar Wegner and his MTM (Modern Tennis Method) on the Tennis Warehouse Forums
Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of hostility directed toward him by a few of the forum members. It has gotten pretty personal and I don't like the way the conversations always seem to evolve and degenerate into personal attacks, mostly against Oscar and his fellow MTM instructors and students.
I am going to send an invitation to Oscar and his fellow instructors and students to participate in this thread and forum. This way they can voice their opinions in a civil and open environment. There are some aspects of MTM that I like and agree with, there are some aspects that I don't agree with as well. BUT, I am open minded and i have always been civil and respectful toward Oscar, his students, and instructors.
This is an OPEN invitation for Oscar and his friends to come here and promote their product and methods.
Here is Oscar's book; Tennis in 2 Hours
This is the 1989 version that he provided in the Tennis Warehouse Forums .
There are more recent versions as well that can be found here along with his DVDs. Read the book and check out his website, then judge for yourself. If you have any questions, please post them here.
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