Monday, December 13, 2010

Roger Federer - left handed BACKHAND EXHIBITION!!...

A Future Tennis Pro and Prodigy!: Emira Stafford

Thanks for posting this Tommy!!! Good Luck and good wishes to all!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

NYC Handball!!!

What does this have to do with Tennis? Well let's look into the roots of Tennis, here's an excerpt:
"The History of tennis game was developed from a 12th century French handball game called "Paume" (palm). In this game the ball was struck with the hand. After some time "Paume" game produced handball "Jeu de Paume" (game of the palm) and there were used racquets. The game was first created by European monks for entertainment roles during ceremonial occasions. At first, the ball was hit with hands. Later, the leather glove came into existence. This leather glove was replaced with an adaptive handle for effective hitting and serving of the ball. That was a birth of tennis racquet."

Check out the points played in this series, you can see a LOT of aspects of "Serve and Volley", "counter punching", "aggressive baseline", and "change ups" regarding the serve. Try to incorporate some of the aspects of what you see below into your tennis game and examine your results.